October 17th Lincolnshire LDC Update number 59
Welcome to this month’s update. It’s been a busy month and lots going on behind the
scenes. You should have received important Bulletins from NHSE and the OCDO, but these
will not be covered in this update.
For those of us with an NHS contract, the target for Q3 is now known. The fact that the
profession was notified at 7pm on Thursday 30th September, is another matter. If, however,
we look at the substance rather than the time of delivery, the outcome has generally been
well received. The regret is that it is for Q3 only, and with appointment times weeks
/months ahead it is very difficult for practices to plan ahead when targets are unknown.
Advice: NHS England third quarter contracts
The BDA’s advice team have outlined what you need to know about NHS England's third quarter contracts:
Advice: Quarter three targets Oct – Dec 2021 (including: Force majeure template)
Contract Reform
It’s fair to say, this is the single most important topic currently facing all practices with an
NHS contract. NHS dentistry is at a tipping point and I and many others are genuinely
worried what lies ahead and how patient care will be affected, if the current UDA system
remain in place. Of particular concern this week, is that Prototype Practices are to return to
GDS or PDS contractual arrangements from April 2022. Many of these practices have been
prototypes for over 10 years. We have one in Lincoln. An evaluation of the programme will
be published this year but to have only 5 months to prepare for this change is hugely
challenging and potentially the worst possible outcome for many of these practices.
Perhaps it also points to the direction of travel for the NHS.
Last week, I met with Caroline Johnson who is the MP for Sleaford and North Kesteven to
express our concerns about lack of access to NHS Dentistry in Lincolnshire. She has secured
an adjournment debate in the Commons on Wednesday 20th October, to raise this and other issues affecting Lincolnshire. The debate provides an opportunity for the MP to raise our concerns with the relevant Minister, who will provide an individual response.
Private practices
Compared to other areas, the proportion of private practices in Lincolnshire is high.
However, there has never been an “us and them/ NHS v Private” situation which is not
always the case in other areas. Very few practices, if any, are totally dependent on the NHS
……………….but what is happening NHS-wise has a direct bearing on private practice. As
patients find difficulty in accessing NHS Care, some, but not all, seek private treatment.
More practices are reducing their reliance on the NHS as recruitment and retention issues
become more obvious and disillusionment with the NHS contract intensifies.
Thank you to the many Private practitioners who have now joined / about to join the LDC
levy. The pandemic highlighted the importance of a supportive LDC available for everyone.
Long may this continue in Lincolnshire. Remember we can always be contacted at
Annual Retention Fee
Dentists can now opt in to pay their Annual Retention Fee (ARF) by instalments and spread
the cost over the course of a year. But if you want to, you’ll need to let the GDC know
before the renewal period opens on 31 October. To make the change:
Login via your eGDC account and select the quarterly Direct Debit
If you choose this option, the GDC will collect four quarterly payments of £170
For those on a specialist list, the annual fee of £72 per speciality, will be collected in
the first Direct Debit.
Update on IPC Guidelines
The UK COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Cell has been seeking views from across
the UK on an update to the COVID-19 specific IPC guidance for the coming winter season.
Two consultations on this subject closed last week which have the potential to be of real
importance. There has also been a separate piece of work on revising the appendix specific
to dental settings.
If enacted, default IPC provisions will revert to something much more like the pre-pandemic
approach. But the onus will be on the practice to triage patients and defer treatment for
those with respiratory infection symptoms, or if that isn’t appropriate, to treat patients in
line with the current enhanced IPC approach.
Martin Woodrow from the BDA has written the following blog.
Fluoridation of Water supplies
All four UK Chief Medical Officers have highlighted the benefits of water fluoridation in
reducing tooth decay in a new joint statement. In their statement, the four UK CMOs recognise water fluoridation should be seen as a complementary strategy, and not a substitute for regular dental check-ups and other effective methods of increasing fluoride use.
Public Health England modelling shows water fluoridation more than pays for itself in the
medium term, owing to a reduction in treatment need. £1 spent equates to £12.71 savings
in five years, rising to £21.98 over ten years. Upfront investment by Government is vital to
unlocking these benefits
Community water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health intervention that should
be part of a package of measures to improve dental health where it is technically feasible
and appropriate for local needs. The Health and Care Bill, currently before Parliament, is set
to simplify the rollout of the policy in England.
Communications resources for NHS dental practices
It is important that practice communication is accurate, appropriate and up to date.
Please click on the links below to view and download useful communication resources. The
third point is particularly relevant
Click here for social media image cards and patient leaflets
Click here for social media assets and posters explaining IPC requirements
Click here to download website/social media copy and scripts for answer machine message, text message and emails.
Health in Coastal Communities
Some of you may have read this document. Although lengthy, it is an interesting read. There
is a section on Lincolnshire which explains the difficulties in both health and dental health
we face.
And finally …………….a date for your dairy, The next LDC meeting is an open meeting via
Teams and will take place on Tuesday 2nd November at 7pm. We will contact you with details and send invites nearer the time.
Best wishes
Kenny Hume Chair Lincolnshire LDC