Amelia Coulby - Lincolnshire LDC Secretary
BDA update
Eddie Crouch – Chair of PEC
A year in review
An election year – huge change in politics, people and policy
Highest political and media profile in 76 year history
Future of service still hangs in the balance
Challenges faced…
Service has effectively ceased to exist for new NHS patients
Rising costs
1 in 5 dental posts vacant
Record level of clawback
Campaigning for change
- Keeping crisis in the political and media agenda
- Dentistry remains a top issue with voters and new MPs
Key achievements
- Creating a political space for our negotiators
- Commitments and manifesto pledges secured
- Helped to stop the use of amalgam in Northern Ireland until 2034
Challenges ahead
- Speed is of the essence however the public spending purse appears bleak
- Will carry on driving change and press for a fair deal for a new contract
- Want practices to thrive and not just survive
GDPC Update
Shawn Charlwood – Chair of GPDC
A greater depth of engagement with MPs and secretaries (Health and Care) but yet to see
Made a case to Stephen Kinnock that tying new graduates to NHS dentistry would not
work and would like a different approach to make NHS dentistry attractive to new
Focus on 3 shifts in ‘Change dentistry’
Secondary care to primary care
Analogue to digital
Treatment to prevention
Dentistry is uniquely placed to deliver on this agenda
Barriers remain…
- No progress on the 700,00 urgent appointments pledge
- Treasury remain the main obstacle to progress
NHS Dental Recovery Plan
- National audit office published review on failure of recovery plan
- Unfunded and unambitious
- Key lessons for new Government
GDPC progress over recent years
- Minimum UDA values
- 400% increase in molar RCT remuneration
- New patient premium
- Splitting Band 2
A message from the Minister
Stephen Kinnock MP, Minister of State for Care
Key points
- Emphasised the value and importance of dentistry and realises far from where we want and need to be
- Has now seen true extent of challenges facing NHS dentistry and is meeting regularly with dental including the BDA
- Makes aware that the changes required in NHS dentistry will not happen overnight
- Allocation of funding will be revealed in due course
- Remains committed to tackling the immediate crisis and fixing NHS dentistry long term
- In the immediate term with formulate a rescue plan which will include an additional 700,000 urgent appointments
- Working around the clock to try and deal with the rising prevalence of tooth decay in children, prevention is always better than cure. Also working to reduce sugar in food and drinks to address this
- Water fluoridation is a safe and effective measure and is considering consultation in expanding in the North East
- Community dental services – would like to consider the crucial role of CDS in the longer-term contract reform process
An update from the GDC
Tom Whiting, CEO and Registrar, General Dental Council
Key areas of focus
- GDC want to look from the point of view of the sector
- GDC has common goals with the sector and must work together on the most pressing issues
- Has been regularly speaking to the sector, BDA and within the dental leadership network
- Has also visited dental teams – dental schools, high street dental practices, CDS, corporate practices and dental lab to look at how we work and hear how GDC can do better
Observations of the GDC
- The GDC needs to be more outwardly facing
- Needs to address challenges that arise from fitness to practice which include getting quicker and speeding up assessment of single issue clinical cases – this has reduced from 30 weeks to 12 week reduction
- Fear of the GDC needs to be drastically reduced
- Want to look at what it is like to deal with GDC and address issues – language, use of technology
Priorities for Jan 2025
Has gathered data of working patterns of dental professionals which can be used to better understand the profession
Reduce the impact of fitness to practice particularly on the health and well being of dental professionals. The GDC has commissioned and undertaken research to addres the issues - dental professionals often perceive outcome to be fair but the process to difficult.
Work to ensure professionals are supported during fitness to practice - considerable progress in timeliness and reducing backlogs, focus on how can work and reduce impact of mental well-being, reviewing a number of case management practices, improve practical support and considering other forms of external support
Completing procurement of new contracts to run ORE – aspiration of more exam spaces and to increase numbers of overseas dentists to meet demand
Reviewing and updating standards and how they have a direct impact on professional practice – ongoing program on updating standards and next focus is on education
Supporting final implantation of safe practitioner framework
Make the GDC more user centred – a number of discovery projects including looking at use of digital technology capability
Corporate strategy development – 3 year strategy from January 2026
Supporting and developing GDC workforce – focusing on work culture within GDC
Securing the future of LDCs
Open discussion – led by LDC Conference Chair
Expenses are increasing, many LDCS are struggling
Expenses of LDCs
- Reimbursement at dental guild rate to NHS and ICB meetings
- Honorarium for chair, secretary and treasurer
- Meeting expenses
- Contributions to dental guild and benevolent funds
- CPD events
How long are there going to be enough providers and performers to cover the levy
amount required?
- Ask for same amount of levy from a reduced number of performers or providers
- Reduce the amount of levy asked for
- Can increase income in voluntary levy
What can LDCs offer to local community to encourage NHS and private dentists to
contribute to the LDC?
Further comments
- Dorset has run a pilot - if ICB wants dental representation the ICB has to pay 6 UDA per house per dentist for the meetings
- BDA has sent out questionnaire to LDC treasurers and are going through responses, letter will be disseminated to all treasurers with the findings and will also attach advice to treasurer, draft LDC constitution and forms required
- Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire is writing to practices to encourage paying the levy (Both NHS and private)
- Can consider merging LDCs, cost sharing with other local LDCS including CPD events
- Can we negotiate for direct funding from Government (ICBs) to LDCs, especially for specific projects
- Invite constituents to a yearly meal to be able to provide support
- Encourage and educate younger dental professional colleagues