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What we do and how you can contribute

Almost every practice locally has in some way been assisted by the LDC over the last few years. We have helped directly with vaccinations, PPE, orthodontic referrals, staffing issues etc. The list goes on. I also hope the updates we have provided have been relevant and helpful and you would want these to continue to be sent.

Our advice has been given willingly as our aim has been to assist all members of our profession,
irrespective whether the practice is fully private or has an NHS Contract. Our aim is to be inclusive
and not to create a situation which is “us or them”. Something sadly, that is seen too often in other
areas of the country.

However, some of the feedback we are receiving is along the lines of why are private practitioners
benefitting from the services of the LDC but not paying for these services, when NHS ones are? A
view you can perhaps understand.
As an LDC we appreciate that many topics discussed have no relevance to private practice. However
increasingly, there seems to be more common ground and therefore we hope that our private
colleagues see the benefits of their association with the LDC, realise the support and information the
LDC is providing is in the best interests for everyone and think it is fair to contribute towards a
monthly levy.

By way of contribution, we are suggesting fully private practices pay £12 per practitioner per month,
which is tax deductible. By way of comparison, NHS practitioners pay on average £25 -£30.
I hope this meets with your approval and you can understand where we are coming from. A few
practices are already contributing and we thank you for your support. Our aim is that these
practices will change to the new format.
All we ask at this stage, is you forward the names of the practitioners in your practice to Sharon at who will email you the appropriate forms to join the scheme. 
Many thanks
Best wishes
Kenny Hume Chair Lincolnshire LDC

Person Getting Vaccinated


Helping to co-ordinate the vaccination of dental teams against Covid-19

Image by Rudi Fargo


How much should I pay and how can I do it?


Keeping the profession up to date with what's happening locally

Image by Stephen Phillips -


We're hoping to develop a proper support scheme soon, but don't hesitate to get in contact if you need us.

Supportive Friend
Image by The Humble Co.


I hereby give notice that I wish to be represented by the Lincolnshire Local Dental Committee and I agree to paythe appropriate Voluntary Levy at a rate of £12 per month.  I agree that the money may be used to support Lincolnshire LDC

Thanks for submitting!

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