March 22nd 2023 Lincolnshire LDC Update Number 71
I've posted the original document below, and then the text so you can read it. You may need to open the document to download some of the links though.
I am sorry …… it’s been some time since the last update. The East Midlands LDN produce an excellent newsletter which is very informative, relevant to general practice and covers much of what we previously discussed in our newsletter.
That said, there is much going on in Lincolnshire just now. The workforce issues are well known and will be discussed in this update.
Health and Social Care Select Committee
This took place on Tuesday 21 st March at 10:00am. I enclose the link and strongly urge you to view this. Shawn Charlwood is on the first panel and gives a very well-articulated account of the current state of NHS Dentistry. On the second panel Local MP Caroline Johnston asks questions of the GDC and HEE.
Lincolnshire Dental Strategy
This document has now been finalised. The four main themes are Workforce, Access, Prevention and Integration of Dental Services into wider health care. All four are underpinned by reducing health inequalities. We now move into the implementation stage, and this will bring challenges. There is, however, an excellent leadership team in place
which is well supported by the ICS and we are encouraged by the progress made so far.
Overseas Recruitment
It is impossible to think that we can easily solve the current workforce crisis in NHS Dentistry. The reasons are many and are discussed in the proceedings of the Health Select Committee. This region has the lowest ratio in the country of dentists to population, and so Lincolnshire has joined forces with N. Yorkshire and S. Humberside to open a pathway for experienced dentists to come from Kerela in India. The state of Kerela prides itself on its education
system, particularly in the training of health care professionals, including dentists. Many of you reading this will know the barriers faced in bringing overseas graduates to this country. Covid has had a significant impact and there is now a backlog of circa 1700 dentists waiting to complete the Overseas Registration Exam. (Discussed in the 2nd panel of the Health Select Committee) We believe there is no backlog for part 2, which is more practical in nature.
PLVE (Performers List Validation by Experience) follows the completion of part 2 of the ORE, until eventually the candidate gets their own performer number. Other options, including temporary registration, are also being considered.
Centre For Dental Development
One of the purposes of this proposed Centre is to provide training and support for less experienced practitioners who may be unfamiliar with health service regulations. Discussion around the Centre is very embryonic at present, but there is support from Lincoln University, our ICS and other stakeholders. There is could be a game changer for local training and recruitment and fits in very well with our overseas recruitment plan. When more details emerge, we will let you know.
Local Initiatives
The take up of additional weekend sessions has been very poor……….. Slightly better with non-recurrent orthodontics. Again, the reasons for this, relate mainly to workforce issues. If the workforce does not exist, it is difficult to provide existing services, let alone additional ones. The net effect, however, is that Lincolnshire continues to fall behind falls behind neighbouring areas in terms of providing a service. The unintended consequence of this is
that health inequalities widen and we therefore need to look at a different model for Lincolnshire.
Patients’ Dental Charges
Charges in England will rise by 8.5% from 24 April 2023. This will mean the cost of a band 1 treatment will increase from £23.80 to £25.80, a band 2 will increase from £65.20 to £70.70, and band 3 will increase from £282.80 to £306.80, an increase of £24.
The BDA has stressed in oral evidence to the current Health and Social Care Committee inquiry that NHS dentistry’s survival will hinge on a sustainable funding settlement. Since 2010 Spending on dentistry has failed to keep pace with both inflation and population growth. The UK now spends the lowest share of its health budget on dentistry of any European nation according to OECD data, with England spending the lowest amount per head of population of any UK nation.
Further comment is available on the BDA Website.
Peer Review
The LDC is aware of the benefits a well-functioning support structure can bring to improve the lives of the Dental Team. We all can sometimes feel isolated, even in a multi chair practice. Peer review can help improve this, in providing both clinical and pastoral support. Andy Fenn and Sandy Gemmell are leading this initiative on behalf of the LDC, and there will be funding available to those groups who apply. Please read the document below and if you
are interested contact for further advice.
Oral Cancer Lecture by Laith Al-Qamachi & Hiba Aga on Thursday 27 th April. 6:15 for 7pm start at the Lincoln Hotel
Enclosed is the flyer for this event and how to register. It is a key-note lecture, providing core CPD and aimed at all in the Dental Team.
LDC Oral Cancer
talk Flyer and Booking form.docx
And finally …………………. NHS primary care services move to Integrated Care Systems from the 1 st April. You are unlikely to see much change initially, but we see this as an opportunity to commission additional dental services to meet local needs. It is a fundamental change for us all and as the system develops, we will keep you informed on
what this means to you and your practice team.
The aim of this Update, in conjunction with the LDN Newsletter is to try and cover the important issues affecting Dentistry here in Lincolnshire. We appreciate that you may want a specific topic covered and if so, please contact Sharon at
Best wishes.
Kenny Hume Chair Lincolnshire LDC