March 28th Lincolnshire LDC Update Number 51
Dear all ………………..
For those practices with NHS contracts, it beggars belief that with only 3 working days to go until the start of the new financial year, NHSE have still not informed us of the activity target for Q1. It is certainly not for want of effort on Jason’s and Shawn part that this is the situation. The OCDO and the BDA must feel very frustrated, disappointed and indeed angry, that there has been no clarification from NHS England regards the contractual arrangements for Q1. The decision that will be made is beyond the advice of the OCDO and the BDA and will be Treasury led. However, the lack of communication to practices shows a lack of respect by NHSE towards the profession with little understanding of how practices are run and the planning involved. It is expected that we will know the arrangement tomorrow.
Q1 and beyond is obviously a major concern but I would like to cover a few other points from this week.
Single handed owners /providers with an NHS Contract.
Sadly, at the start of the month a colleague in another area committed suicide leaving a wife and young family. We believe he had a mainly NHS Practice and was the sole provider. You may remember several years ago in Lincoln, one of our colleagues, John Hill, died suddenly. Although John had no dependents, the circumstances were very similar.
In both situations, we understand there was no named business partner and therefore following death, the contract returns to the NHS, I believe within 28 days. Goodwill therefore disappears and there is no capital for the wife / husband / family to realise. The practice might be small and single handed but it also could be a single provider with several Associates / Therapists/ Hygienists. Not only is there a huge personal loss to deal with but also a significant and unexpected financial loss as well.
If you are a single handed provider and haven’t already taken professional advice on this matter, I would strongly urge you to do this ASAP. Please contact the BDA or your usual advisor.
Second Vaccinations
I am aware that a few of you have already been summoned for this vaccination. As per the update two weeks ago, the CCG have informed us they, or one of the PCNs, will soon be contacting dental staff for the second vaccination. Assuming there are no delays in deliveries, you can expect to be contacted 11-12 weeks after you received the first vaccination. The matter is in hand. Please be patient.
It would also seem that as we are in Group 2, we should receive another booster vaccination in September / October.
Orthodontic referrals
I know from recent contacts to the LDC, that this is becoming a major concern for practitioners and their patients. There is nowhere, particularly around Lincoln and North Lincolnshire for Primary Care referrals. The change in criteria for Secondary Care referrals is also contributing to the problem.
The LDC and the Orthodontic MCN have met with NHSE. NHSE are well aware of the difficulties practitioners and patients face and every opportunity I get, at whatever meeting I attend, I reinforce this. The current situation is unacceptable and is creating significant health inequalities in our County. The LDC have contributed to a draft paper which will be discussed at the CCG Executive on Thursday.
There is also an MCN meeting this week and I will report back when there is further information but you can help by writing to you MP and asking parents of children who are unable to access treatment to do the same.
DCT/Associate positions in Practice
The LDC has been asked to share this email via our network
“Dear Colleagues,
I would be grateful if you could share this email with all the dental practices in Lincolnshire. It would be helpful if we had a formal communication in the dental bulletin, if possible, and that the LDN chair and LDC also share via their networks.
Last year Jason Wong (as former LDN chair), circulated an email asking for expressions of interest to be submitted in relation to 3 DCT posts hosted by United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust where the DCTs would work in General Dental Practice for 1 day per week. The posts will be funded and the individual(s) managed by the Trust.
The Practice will gain 3 days of activity each week (excluding planned leave). During this time the practice would gain from the UDAs generated by the associates and, it is of course possible, an associate may choose to stay on after the term of the post when it is hoped that the familiarity between the associates and the practice may prove mutually acceptable. The practice and the associates could also benefit from the experience that the associates will gain from working at ULHT.
The training programme commences on the 1st September and runs for 12 months. There is no additional funding available, although the trainee will be supported with funding to sit postgraduate examinations and study leave through HEE. As there is no requirement
for trainees to drive or own a vehicle we are looking for practices within easy distance of the main Lincoln County Hospital site.
Due to the national disruption I have not been able to review the pilot and will be viewing the next phase as part of the same pilot. I am aware HEE received numerous expressions of interest. I now invite you to submit further expressions of interest. I need to receive responses by midday on the 12th April after which I will work with a panel to select the successful applicant. I will arrange a panel consisting of the DCT Training Programme Director, an NHS England representative (this could be an LDN or LDC chair) and myself.
It is hoped the successful applicant will be in post in September.
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Mrs Deborah Manger Regional Deputy Dental Dean - Early Years HEE “
An application form is enclosed.
And finally …………… As there is a Bank Holiday Weekend, there will be no update next Sunday. Enjoy the Easter weekend. I hope the weather is kind and you and your families have a chance to relax and unwind. Take care everyone
Best wishes
Kenny Hume Chair Lincolnshire LDC